Saturday, 7 April 2018

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Update: Bank PKO BP asked to maintain FX mortgage capital buffer at 0.66 pps, down from 0.83 pps.

Bank PKO BP, Poland's largest lender by assets, was asked by regulator KNF to maintain an additional capital buffer of 0.66 pps for FX mortgage book, down from previous requirement at an 0.83 pps buffer, the bank said in a market filing.

"The [KNF] imposed on the Bank the additional capital requirement covering the risk of the foreign currency mortgage loans for households, at standalone level at amount 0.66 p. p.m," the bank said.

Of the buffer, 75% is to be maintained in Tier 1 capital.

The decision is enforceable immediately.

Previously, the bank was required to maintain a 0.83 pps buffer with the same Tier 1 requirement.

The decision comes as a surprise, but will likely be counterbalanced by increased risk weights already in December, DM mBank analyst Michal Konarski noted.

"This is definitely a positive surprise," Konarski said. :It seems that the direction may be similar in the case of other banks, but we don't fully know what new risks, problems have been taken into account by KNF."

"But in 2018, the security buffer will grow . . . and on December 1 the 150% risk weight for CHF loans comes into effect which will result in an decrease of solvency ratios as risk weighted assets will grow."

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